Visit 2

Andrew the Apostle:
“Be the Boundless Love!”

        Quiet, tender and smooth surfaces of water, clear sky… I feel Andrew, His deep silence
        With great urgency, I suddenly realized, with my thoughts turning to all the people of the Earth, that here They are! — They — Great Divine Souls! None of these Greats have disappeared! They all are Living! They are living here and now!
        I was overwhelmed with happiness and gratitude to God — for what I now know about this, standing here on the bank of the river, and got in touch with the so very real Apostle of JesusAndrew!
        I suddenly felt… a little difficulty in breathing, and became an unusual state (of consciousness) in my body. I saw… the image of a man immersed in a deep peace… His face was framed with a light beard, and eyes — sky-blue! They were so beautiful, so vast, radiant!… I felt that already I myself see with his eyes…
        Anna came up:
        “Andrew is now connected with your body, He wants you to feel Him.”
        I, with quiet joy, reported that this is already happening…
        I was trying to strengthen the Mergence… I saw myself as — Him, Who was walking along the lane.
        He is dipped into the depths of the Divine Light. And He Himself consisted of this Light. Not by words, but by emotions, I understood what He spoke to me:
        “Plunge into this Light every time when the fuss of thoughts begins to take!”
        Andrew shows how this can be done:
        I feel myself as a big bell, inside of which I was. My head inside sets against its top. Having filled this bell with myself, I should then fall below, into the depth… Thoughts immediately stopped, inner peace enveloped — from head to toe…
        Quiet and boundless inside — sky-blue Eyes of Andrew… Mergence with His boundless Spiritual Heart…
        Again I begin to hear the verses. But this morning, I forget my notebook, and Anna at this time wrote something down in her own notebook. I decided, I would try to memorize these lines, but in a moment understood that it will not work. But the lines were very beautiful!… Anna raised her eyes to me. She walks with an outstretched notebook:
        “I got the feeling that you need it.”
        I nodded, saying that I need to write down the verses. We both laughed. Anna — in delight:
        “This has not happened with me yet!”
        As it turned out later, Andrew was dictating to both of us simultaneously. Here is what I heard:
                            Tender Hands are blowing
                            Into Love of the King of Heaven
                            From illusory dreams…
                            Love to all — boundless!
                            Depths — serene!
                            And — the joy of flight!
                            Andrew — Apostle Beloved and Desired
                            Is called by people, deceived and tortured…
        But then I, unfortunately, did not hear anymore. I wanted to return the notebook to Anna, but she said that Andrew asked me to keep it with me for the time being. And then I realized that I should write down the meditation and experienced sensations.
        Later, Anna read the words she heard from Andrew, while turned to me:
                            Words — are small,
                            They cannot contain all my Love!
                            My Love — is vast and tender!
                            And I — present My Love to you!
                            I am — here, with you!
                            And I will be close to you — forever!
                            Do not be afraid of encirclement
                            Where anger and derision reign!
                            I go along this Path — for centuries
                            Through the darkness —
                            Among human souls ugly, abnormal —
                            Masculine, feminine…
                            But those who hear Me and understand —
                            Will be with Me!
                            You — will be able to teach people to love!
                            Let us go! I — will be with you!
                            You — with Me — right now!

*   Read more about Andrew the Apostle here:
**   Here and further the translations of the poems are given in a non-rhythmical form.

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