Visit 3

On the Alternative Consciousness States
and the Meditation

        Vladimir continued our conversation:
        “By the way — about opium and other drugs. Many are beginning to use them not because of ‘idleness’, ‘for the company’, or to forget the nightmare of life on Earth without understanding its meaning — but in order to experience the new — mystery! — states of consciousness.
        “And drug addicts ruin their health — both physical and mental, closing for themselves the true path of spiritual development.
        “But right now I want to speak not about the dangers of drugs, but on the subject of the search trends to find the opportunity to experience new states of consciousness.
        “And on a background of ‘normal’ circumstances, we usually are under the influence of, in particular, music, watching movies, in temples, in close contact with different people, from the saints — to devils in the flesh. Humans modulate their states of consciousnesses also with coffee, tea, or soothing medicines, sleeping draughts. We change our states by eating, taking a warm shower or bath, bathing in the sea or other reservoirs…
        “But there is one really significant opportunity to learn changing our psychical states — this is the meditative trainings.
        “Mastering the art of meditation is the multi-stage efforts directed to perfecting the consciousnesses and obtaining the ability to govern its states. This work begins from the first steps of riding our bodies of bad energies — and up until the grand scale known for you in your past and this incarnations — and much more.
        “But why I’m talking this now about? To warn you of a very common mistake of many: to believe that the experiencing the right states of the consciousness one or more times — is enough for a successful spiritual advancement. But no! We must strive as much as possible to repeat all the new fundamentally important techniques — as long as those states would be completely natural, familiar.
        “And another very important note, which, I hope, for you is not new, because you have read it many times in our books and heard in our conversations. I say now that the meditative trainings should not ‘get ahead’ — ahead of the understanding the place of each step of the Spiritual Path — on their common ‘ladder’.
        “Also, the ethical self-control must never weaken. Indeed, during the psycho-energy improvement of every disciple of God — the ethic training tests, created by God, become more and more complicated. And if one forgets about it, one may experience a failure at every next test…”


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